
Titans #4

Titans #4 and #5 are coming down the pipe today, but first up we get to conclude the Titans, Sons of Trigon series, or do we? I can get down with these new Titans, mainly because they are not teeny boppers. Someone explain why they are so strong in the world of Versus, but et they can’t beat the Sons of Trigon handedly? The Titans are probably DC’s most powerful team created in the Versus universe. I’ll always be bitter about that.

The story line with Trigon has not changed one bit, it’s just the method. He wants in our realm and he means to do it through his daughter Raven who is the gate, but now he has some boys to facilitate that transition and is capable of manipulating the powers of 3 sins. The fight plays out very well. The funny thing going on here is the artwork which has changed up slightly and looks a little awkward, but it’s still smooth. The battle here doesn’t quite play out to a conclusion which was disturbing. There isn’t much to report about anything in this issue, but the fact that it’s a big battle and the Titans prevail in one form or the other.

Check out the scans…

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