
Today, I plan on catching myself up in a major way with reviews. I am going to flood the syndicate over on VSRealms and bombard your minds with DC reviews of titles such as; Batman and the Outsiders, Justice League of America, Titans and Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns, so stay tuned all day for these reviews. I am going to start off slow with Batman and the Outsiders because it was perhaps the most uninteresting read of any comic I have read since I have started this blog.

The issue deals mainly with the death of Anissa, Black Lightning’s daughter following the events of Batman and the Outsiders #11. The Black Glove manage to get a virus downloaded into Remac thanks in large part to the decision made by Batgirl, which attacks the Outsiders shortly before exploding which leaves Anissa in a coma and struggling for her life. It is her death that has the Outsiders at war with one another and leads to the dismantling of the Outsiders. The issue felt very uninspired. Maybe it was the fact as well that I know Thunder is not dead because she was in Final Crisis: Submit. Either way this side story to the Batman RIP series has been unwanted and lacking.

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