
JSA #21 reeled off out of nowhere because to be honest you feel a little out of the woods with the story after the pass couple of issues that have dragged this story on for so long, so much filler that has focused so little on the main story and instead on character development. Sandman finally wakes up from his sleep and details just what Gog has done, and what evil he brings. He has formed a parasitic bond with the Earth and if he leaves he will destroy the Earth, he seems content to stay so long as everyone kneels and worships Gog, well our heroes are not the kneeling type, especially in the face of false gods. They rally to fight Gog and those from among the ranks who have been following Gog, until Magog is forced to see the truth that is Gog as he takes away all that has been given to the heroes. Starman’s insanity, Atom’s face, and more are returned to them in kind for their disobedience, but the worst is the death of Magog aka Lance. There is more afoot as well in this issue as Jay Garrick is definitely doing more than riding the lightning here, he is literally being transformed into lightning by Gog. I am not sure how this is going to play out with the speed force, but lets find out together is issue #22.

On Another note, check out Chaotic Reigns Versus System MWS tourney on TCGplayer hosted by the one and only Mike Lopez.

The age is modern. The event is Random Punks, why cuz its hella fun thats why!

1st Place: 3 packs of MEV
2nd Place: 2 packs of MEV
3rd place: 1 Pack of MEV

Registration Due by the 3rd of January with decks submitted to me for approval. Tourney begins on the 4th of January. Have fun and good luck!

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